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This section of the website is about the Global Young Leaders Conference, organized by the Congressional Youths Leadership Council (see )
I have been nominated to attend that conference which takes place in Summer 2005 in Washington D.C. and New York City. I have made many efforts to fundraise money and be sponsored by any company but I failed. Because here in Egypt, no one cares about Academic achievements and excellence of anybody. Companies would rather spend millions of pounds on advertisement and sponsoring the unsuccessful Egyptian football games, as well as actresses!

I have sent emails to many companies, organizations and foundations during the period from January 29th  till February 6th  2005.

I have tried to include the maximum number of names in the following list:


  1. Pepsi
  2. Vodafone Egypt
  3. Mobinil
  4. Raya
  5. Orascom
  6. Mena for Contracting and Trading
  7. Astrazenica
  8. GlaxoSmithKline
  9. Bristol Myers Squibb
  10. Novartis Pharma
  11. Uniliver
  12. Sanofi Aventis
  13. Pfizer
  14. Nestle
  15. Heinz
  16. Vitrac
  17. Ahmed Bahgat group
  18. Mercedes
  19. Toyota
  20. BP Egypt
  21. Tarek Nour Agency
  22. Shell Egypt
  23. Rotary
  24. British Council
  25. Amideast
  26. AUC
  27. GUC
  28. CIC
  29. MIU
  30. MSA
  31. UFE
  32. Wanati Newspaper
  33. Al Ahram Foundation: Mr Ibrahim Nafie
  34. Al Gomhoreya Foundation: Mr Samir Ragab
  35. Teen Stuff Magazine
  36. El Beitbeitak program on Egyptian TV (through the telephone)



Download the package which I have sent to these companies:


The fundraising request          


Preliminary schedule of events of the conference & partial list of former speakers

From all the above list which I have emailed or faxed, I have only received the following replies (Up till now) and I am waiting for more, hopefully:



From: info <>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 11:36:04 +0800
Subject: From Teen Stuff

Dear Evronia,
Reading your e-mail we felt so proud knowing that there are still youth such
as yourself who are enthusiastic with big dreams and the will to achieve
them. we are really proud of you and so happy to know that you got such an
opportunity. Make sure to benefit the most out of it. Concerning helping you
with your fundraising we would have really liked to help you but unfortunately at the moment we can not participate in any sort of sponsoring or fundraising. We know that this might come as a disappointment for you but unfortunately there is nothing in our hands. We wish you all the best in your trip and Good luck with your fundraising. Hope to hear more of your experience and keep us posted with your latest news.
Take care

Marwa Yehia
Managing Editor
TPA - Teen Stuff Magazine


 From: Zaher,Amany,CAIRO, Nestle Corp. Sensory & Consumer Services Mgr <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 07:18:29 -0000
Subject: RE: Sponsorship / Funds Request
To: Evronia Azer <>


Dear Evorina,
Thank you for contacting us again, I have submitted your CV and the programme to the Market head of Egypt, he was very impressed by your CV and your qualifications but unfortunately, all our sponsorship budget for this year has already been committed to other matters.

Nevertheless, I still hope that you can go to the conference as you are really a great girl and anyone would be very proud to sponsor you. (Don't give up)
Have a great day and hope you can contact us in future and we can be able to serve you.

Best regards,
Amani Zaher
Corp. Sensory & Consumer Services Manager
Tel. no. 002- 02- 345 27 69



From: MIU - International Office <>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 15:37:23 +0200
Subject: RE: sponsorship
To: Evronia Azer <>
Cc: Backup <>

Dear Evronia,
Thank you  for your interest in MIU. I will forward your email to Ms Dina El
Rafie, the coordinator of the students acivities in the faculty of Business
Adminstration, and she will return to you as soon as possible.

Best Regards,
Yasmine Hassan
International Officer
International Office
Misr Inetrnational University
Km 28 Cairo - Ismalia Road,
Cairo - Egypt


----> No reply has been received til now




Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2005 14:52:24 -0500

Subject: RE: fundraising request

To: Evronia Azer <evronia@gmail.com>


Dear Evronia Azer,

Thank you for contacting us.  Pfizer Inc and the Pfizer Foundation's
charitable giving programs provide grants for targeted initiatives
focused primarily on health care and science education.  We do not
accept unsolicited requests.

Thank you,

Pfizer Corporate Citizenship


From: SPA - Board Of Directors {PEP} <SPA-BoardOfDirectors@pepsi.com>

Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2005 15:05:14 -0600

Subject: RE: fundraising request

To: Evronia Azer <evronia@gmail.com>



Thank you for your message and your interest in PepsiCo.  Please note,

however, that this email address is for the purpose of reporting complaints

about PepsiCo's accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing



For information regarding community involvement, contributions and donations

from PepsiCo, please refer to www.pepsico.com under Citizenship. You may

also write to the Director, Corporate Contributions, PepsiCo, Inc., 700

Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, New York 10577.


PepsiCo Law Department


(Please note that this is the only email I found for pepsi and there was no way I could write a letter to NYC, as it would take forever to arrive + they are not concerned with Egypt!)




From: Abaza, Nevine (Egypt) <Nevine.Abaza@britishcouncil.org.eg>

Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 14:59:20 +0200

Subject: Re: Fundraising Request

To: evronia@gmail.com



Dear Evronia


Your request has been forwarded to us here in Alexandria.  Unfortunately

we do not have funds to support this.  It seems like a great opportunity

for you though, so I hope you will be able to secure funds from other

appropriate organisations that can fund such initiatives.


I wish you the best of luck in your fundraising/search.


Kind regards




- "The British Council, my deep thanks goes to them because they always support me and my fellows during their events and efforts, has sent me a reply, which is expected from a respectable place like that. I would like to note that the British Council is registered as a Charity, so I didn't expect to receive funds from them in a monetary form, just probably guide me towards companies. But probably they prefer not to fundraise in Egypt because they know how 'fruitful' it is to do so!!!"





From: Soha Elsherif <Selsherif@amideast.org>

Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 13:13:51 +0200

Subject: RE: fundraising request

To: Evronia Azer <evronia@gmail.com>

Cc: Sohair Saad <SSaad@amideast.org>, Abir Khater <AKhater@amideast.org>, Nelly Elzayat <NElzayat@amideast.org>



Dear Evronia,

We certainly appreciate your interest in Amideast. Nevertheless, I am

sorry to inform you that Amideast does not offer financial assistance.

Amideast is a private, nonprofit organization promoting understanding

and cooperation between Americans and the people of the Middle East and

North Africa through education, information, and development assistance


Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need any inquiry. I will

be delighted to serve you.

Again thank you for your interest in Amideast and best of luck.


Have a good day!




Soha El Sherif

Assistant Educational Advisor

Educational Resource Center


23, Mossadak St,

Dokki, Giza, Egypt.

Tel: 337-8265 Ext:287

Fax: 3376913




From: Customer-Serviceeg <Customer-Serviceeg@vodafone.com>

Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 11:00:48 +0200

Subject: RE: Fundraising request

To: Evronia Azer <evronia@gmail.com>



Dear  Lady,


Thank you for applying to Vodafone. Your C.V. has been received.

In case of suitable vacancy, selected CV applicants will be contacted by human resources, and then appointed for interviews.


Appreciate your choice of Vodafone as your employer and we look forward to contacting you in the future.


Sincerely yours,


Customer Service.


It is very clear from their reply they hadn't taken any time to read my email! So I resent it again and explained, and I got this reply:


From: Noha Saad <Noha.Saad@vodafone.com>

Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 13:05:29 +0200

Subject: Sponsorship offer

To: evronia@gmail.com



Dear Ms. Azer,


I would like to thank you for your email and interest in Vodafone Egypt to sponsor your attendance in the Student conference.

Unfortunately , we do not sponsor individuals , as per the company policies and the Vodafone Egypt Foundation policy.


I have to tell you that am  impressed with the way you structured your CV and the other attachment, a well done job.

I suggest you try other sponsors who can support individuals.




Noha Saad

Senior Team Leader


Corporate Social Responsibility and Foundation  Vodafone Egypt

Direct : +202 5292111

Fax: + 202 5294499


General Secretary - Vodafone Egypt Foundation

Registered in Egypt with Ministry of Social Affairs (5416 Nov. 03 ) 




From: Ann Boudinot-Amin <annbamin@aucegypt.edu>

Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 08:01:01 +0200

Subject: RE: Fundraising request

To: Evronia Azer <evronia@gmail.com>



Dear Evronia,


Congratulations! This sounds like a wonderful opportunity for you. I

wish you the best of luck.


Unfortunately, AUC cannot use its funds to support non-AUC students in

this kind of endeavor. As a fundraiser myself, I would recommend that

you approach companies in the area, both Egyptian and multinationals. I

am sure that many companies would be more than happy to support you for

the conference. Your letter is quite good -- phone the companies to find

the general manager's email address or fax number and then send them

your request, with a phone call follow-up after a few days.


Once again, congratulations and best of luck,


Ann Boudinot-Amin

Director of Annual Giving


I would also like you to read the names of companies who I tried to contact but could neither find a fax number or an email for them on the Internet!!


  1. Microsoft Egypt (!!!!)
  2. Telecom Egypt (!!!)
  3. Egypt Air
  4. MI Bank
  5. Louis Bishara BTM (E-mails fail to reach)
  6. McDonalds' Egypt
  7. Chipsi for Food Industries
  8. El Beitbeitak program on Egyptian TV (E-mails fail to reach, though they say they receive lots of emails daily!!)


Quite Disappointing ha?!





Now after I have got bored from all this, I decided to write to Barid El Ahram, I sent them my message through fax, email, letter. I hope they publish it, though I doubt they will. Even if they do, they would certainly cut it in half!

I would just like to add that the people responsible for Barid El Ahram don't read emails, I just did what I had to do!