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I smelt a strange perfume
Coming out so pure
I didnt know what it was
But I wished to smell it so close
I finally found this beautiful flower
Which had an unbelievable colour
Its leaves were so big so bright
Like the stars of the night
It was shining in the dark
Brightening up like a spark
It was sending messages to my eyes
And I felt I was in paradise
Words could not describe it
But I could revive it
I wished to know what was that
Was it a dream or for real?
I tried to tell the flower to stay
To know if it was a play
But suddenly I heard a voice from above
Telling me its love
The love we miss these days
Which is our message in life
The message came out from the flower
'Carry love to every child
Spread love in the deserts
Love the homeless, love the orphans
Love the poor, love the rich
Love the friend, love the enemy
Love me and love you
Love to love
Coz there's no life without love.'